Roberto Zesati Ahued
Founding Partner of our Firm
Founding Partner of Zesati Contadores in 1976, where he carries out his professional work providing Business Management and Wealth Consulting services, and participating as an advisor in several client groups.
Certified Public Accountant from Universidad La Salle and Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. He is part of the first generation of Certified Public Accountants. IPADE AD-2 generation 1976-1977 and Continuity.
He has carried out several studies on senior management, finance, planning, taxes, fiscal and financial planning, both in the country and abroad.
She holds a Master's Degree in Empowerment from the University of Salamanca, Spain.
Member of CPA Associates International Inc. since 1977, he chaired this organization in the Latin American Region for the periods 1994-1995 and 1996-1997, and was part of the Board. In 1989 he founded CPA Associates International Latin America and in 1993, CPA Mexico. He is part of the Council of the International Organization from 2005-2007 and was International Chairman (World President) for the period 2007-2009.

Arturo Martínez Martínez
Financial, tax and local tax audit CDMX and Edo. de México.
He is a Certified Public Accountant from the Escuela Superior de Comercio y Administración of the Instituto Politécnico Nacional.
He holds a Diploma in Corporate Finance from the Universidad Iberoamericana, a Specialization in Cost Accounting for Service and Manufacturing Companies from the Centro de Estudios Fiscales, S. C., is a Certified Public Accountant from the Instituto Mexicano de Contadores Públicos, A. C., and completed the D-1 Senior Management Program at the Instituto Panamericano de Alta Dirección de Empresas (IPADE).
He joined our Firm in 1991 and provides tax advice to companies. He also participates as speaker in seminars for clients and collaborators of our Firm. He is a member of the Colegio de Contadores Públicos de México, A. C., as well as of the Instituto Mexicano de Contadores Públicos, A. C.

Anabell Witt Gonzalez
Social Security
Bachelor's Degree in Accounting from the Universidad Iberoamericana, certified by the Mexican Institute of Public Accountants, with studies in Management Effectiveness at the Middle Management Training Institute and seminars in Social Security.
She joined our Firm in 1984 and is currently in charge of the Social Security area; in tax matters, his activity consists of providing tax and business advice to individuals and corporations; she is also in charge of local tax audits. She participates in the courses and seminars that our Firm organizes for clients and collaborators.

Cuauhtémoc Contreras Alfonso
Financial, fiscal and local tax audit of CDMX, Edo. Méx. and Guerrero.
He is a graduate of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, where he received a Bachelor's degree in Accounting.
He joined the Firm in 1991. In 2004 he was certified by the Mexican Institute of Public Accountants. He completed the D-1 Business Management program at the Instituto Panamericano de Alta Dirección de Empresa. He has been part of the Board of Directors of CPA Associates Interantional in the Latin American Region, which he chaired in the period of 2019-2021. He is currently part of the Executive and International Committees of MGI Worldwide with CPA Associates Interantional, and also participates in the Board of Directors of the Latin American Region.

Alberto Hernández Hernández
.Financial, tax and local tax audit CDMX and Edo. de México. Financial audit, tax and local contributions CDMX and Edo. de México.
Public Accountant by the Instituto Politécnico Nacional, with a Diploma in Corporate Finance by the Universidad Iberoamericana and specialization in Cost Accounting for Service and Manufacturing companies. College of Public Accounting by the Instituto Politécnico Nacional.
He holds a Diploma in Corporate Finance from the Universidad Iberoamericana, a Specialization in Cost Accounting for Service and Manufacturing Companies from the Centro de Estudios Fiscales, S. C., is a Certified Public Accountant from the Instituto Mexicano de Contadores Públicos, A. C., and completed the D-1 Senior Management Program at the Instituto Panamericano de Alta Dirección de Empresas (IPADE). He joined our Firm in 1991 and provides tax advice to companies. He also participates as speaker in seminars for clients and collaborators of our Firm. He is a member of the Colegio de Contadores Públicos de México, A. C., as well as of the Instituto Mexicano de Contadores Públicos, A. C.
Our Contributors
Continuous updating in the areas of Public Accounting is the imperative that keeps our collaborators at the forefront of knowledge. Year after year we develop a strategic training plan with the conviction that permanent updating and serious and proactive actions contribute to the formation of leaders of change. Likewise, aware that the human factor is the active force of our Firm, we encourage the integration of our collaborators through human development meetings.
To provide in the accounting profession, a service of the highest quality with human and material resources, taking advantage of cutting-edge technology. Our Firm, formed by more than sixty professionals, provides Audit, Tax, Human Resources and Legal services; and provides Business Consulting. We are distinguished by the warmth of the personal treatment that our partners establish with each of our clients. Throughout more than four decades of work, our philosophy of action has guided our objective: to satisfy the needs of our current and potential clients, preserving their trust and strengthening our business ties. In this way, we respond to our commitment to constantly improve our professional quality, our knowledge and our social duties.
Strategic partners
Sharing the vision that by strengthening the links between accountants, we enhance the profession, our Firm is a member of MGI Worldwide Network positioned among the top 20 international accounting networks of independent audit, tax and accounting firms, which brings together the expertise of nearly 10,000 professionals in some 460 locations worldwide.
Our Costumers
Zesati Accountants provides services to companies engaged in the automotive industry, medical and chemical laboratories, event coordinators, air cab, sports clubs, hotels, restaurants, customs agencies, civil associations, as well as private assistance institutions, among others.